by | tonybrown

Posts Tagged ‘Mizzou Football

Fieldtimin’ on the Fweezy

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I’m a tour guide for the University of Missouri, and it’s a pretty sweet gig with some good perks that go along with it. One of the greatest perks comes as an extension of our job to give tours to high school football players who could possibly play for Mizzou someday.

On game day, we show the prospects around the athletic training complex, treat them to a meal, and then take them over to the stadium and down onto the field so they can watch pre-game from the sidelines.

The building cost like a bjillion dollars and is only a couple years old, so it’s like super nice inside and is proof that it pays to be an athlete. Like totally. There are LCD screens everywhere, they serve pizza and steak every day, and they do all of your laundry for you too!

But as a tour guide, one of the biggest perks is being able to hang out on the field before the game. On Saturdays, it’s the place to be seen.

Written by Tony

October 15, 2008 at 7:40 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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